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Ancient Sunrise Kristalovino

Ancient Sunrise Kristalovino

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Kristalovino Acidic Fruit Acid for Henna Dye Release

Add 1 teaspoon (4gr.) of Kristalovino per 100g henna or cassia. Add distilled water until the paste is the consistency of mashed potatoes. Let the paste rest at room temperature (68-72 degrees Fahrenheit) for 8-12 hours for best dye results.

Use Kristalovino to create a lighter, brighter red henna stain than other fruit acids.

Ancient Sunrise® Kristalovino, diprotic acid, is a natural fruit acid found in grapes, apples, and other fruits; Kristalovino is very gentle on skin and hair. Use Kristalovino to keep henna and cassia colors bright and to avoid darkening with oxidization.

Henna and cassia will dye your hair most effectively when mixed with an acidic liquid (such as diluted lemon juice) or our fruit acid powders. Using an acidic liquid or our fruit acid powders gives the best color results and the color will not fade or go peculiar. In fact, the color will gradually deepen and look more natural.

Ancient Sunrise Henna for Hair

"Ancient Sunrise Henna for Hair" explores the art, science, techniques, and history of using henna, indigo, and cassia to dye hair. This book is a timely update of the previous book, "Henna for Hair" by Catherine Cartwright-Jones, to address the problem of the epidemic of para-phenylenediamine sensitization: the increasingly dangerous and widespread allergy to chemical hair dye. Separate chapter headings are listed below for your download convenience. Click on each chapter heading cover below to download each PDF file.

We offer this book free of charge. You may download selected chapters or the entire book. We ask only that you respect our copyright and observe our terms of use. Please see the copyright and licensing information at the bottom of this page.

Chapter 6 "Henna and Acidic Mixes"

Learn about the necessary chemistry of mixing henna and cassia with a mildly acidic liquid. This chapter discusses several sources of fruit acids, and how each has a different effect on henna.

Chapter 7 "Mixing and Testing Your Henna Mix"

This chapter discusses the mixing, dye release, formulation, and testing of a wide range of non-chemical permanent colors from henna, indigo, and cassia. This chapter includes step-by-step instructions to produce the color you want for your hair.

Creative Commons License
"Ancient Sunrise® Henna for Hair" by Catherine Cartwright-Jones PhD is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

You may share information in this book online as long as you cite the source and post a link to this URL.
You may not use this information on any commercial website or in any commercial publication.

Citation format: Catherine Cartwright-Jones PhD. 2015. "Ancient Sunrise® Henna for Hair" TapDancing Lizard LLC.
tapdancinglizard.com/AS_henna_for_hair/ Accessible also via hennaforhair.com, mehandi.com, and ancientsunrise.com


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