Ancient Sunrise Henna for Hair

Chapter 8 - How to Henna Your Hair

If you have never dyed your hair, it is necessary to dye the full length of your hair with Ancient Sunrise® powders.

If you have previously dyed your hair with chemicals, it is necessary to dye the full length of your hair with Ancient Sunrise® powders. You won’t be able to perfectly match the chemical color, and the dividing line will show. Henna and cassia will also repair damage from chemical processes; it benefits your hair to do the full length.

Shampoo your hair before you begin to apply the Ancient Sunrise® paste; your hair must be very clean. Some people apply the paste to dry hair, and some apply to wet hair.

On all the tests you’ve done on hair harvested from your hairbrush, decide which mix gave you the results you really like. How much powder should you mix to dye your hair? How long is your hair? In general:

  • 100g powder mixed into paste will dye short hair.

  • 200g powder mixed into paste will dye collar length straight hair.

  • 300g powder mixed into paste will dye shoulder length straight hair.

  • 500g powder mixed into paste will dye waist length hair.

These are the total amounts of powder needed. If you are mixing brunette, half henna and half indigo for very short hair, you’ll need 50g each of henna and indigo, and so on.

Very thick hair or abundant locks require more paste. It is better to mix more than you think you’ll need. If you have leftover henna paste, you can put it in your freezer in a plastic freezer bag, and thaw it for later use. If you freeze leftover henna paste regularly, you will always have some leftover to use if you run short.

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Links to specific topics in this chapter:

How Do You Henna Your Hair for the First Time?

Use an Ancient Sunrise® Cassia-Henna Mix to Repair Bleached Hair and Add Color

Apply Ancient Sunrise® Cassia for Conditioning and Minimal Color Change

Apply Ancient Sunrise® Henna to Bleached Hair

Dye Hair Warm Black with a One Step Henna-Indigo MixOver Chemically Dyed Graying Blonde

Dye Graying Light Brown Hair Black with the Two-Step Henna-Indigo Process

Henna Chemically Dyed Hair

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