Everybody has a different color of hair, different diet, and different environmental circumstances. Henna will be different on everyone. This essay shows henna and indigo mixes tested on churro sheep of different colors. Churro sheep have a natural color range similar to graying human hair, though their fleece is coarse and more resistant to dye than human. This is intended as an example of how henna and indigo stain a range of fleece similar to, but not the same as, the stains produced on human hair.
People have different hair colors and textures. Every person’s hair reacts a bit differently to henna. Though Ancient Sunrise hennas are very similar, you may find one suits you better than another. These are plants, growing in different soils, under different conditions. You’ll have to try a few things to find out what you like best.
Read more:https://www.mehandi.com/v/vspfiles/downloadables/chapt7_mixing-testing.pdf
Links to specific topics in this chapter:
What Difference Does Your Hair Color Make?
Formulate Your Mix; Mix Your Paste
When Will the Henna Paste be Ready?
Need your Henna in a Hurry?
What Does Henna Dye Release Look Like?
Mix Henna and Indigo for Brunette Colors
Mix Ancient Sunrise® Indigo to Dye Hair Black over Henna
Test Ancient Sunrise® Paste on your Hair
What is the difference between Cassia Obovata and Cassia Auriculata?
How do you use Cassia Auriculata as a hair conditioner and toner?