I've dyed my hair with henna 3 times. I have to have help, I wouldn't want to try it without a helper. My roomate does it in exchange for me hennaing his skin. I use about 200g body art quality from Mehandi. I mix it with a mildly acidic liquid until it's a little thicker than pudding, cover it and leave it on top of the dryer, or outside if it's a hot day, for about 6 hours. (see https://www.tapdancinglizard.com/mixing-and-testing-your-henna-mix/ pp. 10-13)
Then, I add more lemon juice until it's a little thinner than yogurt, and wait another 2-4 hours. I sit outside to do it, and cover the patio in newspaper and myself in old towels and saran wrap.
Then my faithful helper clips hair hair into about 20-30 sections. He grabs henna by the handful, coating the sections and pinning them back. Once all the sections are covered, he undoes the clips and we both smear the rest in, then wrap it up in saran wrap. If it's sunny I'll sit outside as long as I can take the heat, and I leave the paste on for at least 4 hours. Then I wash it out in the shower using about 1/3 of a bottle of cheap conditioner. It ends up shiner, smoother, fuller, and of course, orangey. It takes about 4 days for the color to deepen, on my dark brown hair it looks dark auburn-brown, and in the sun, a very bright auburn. The strands that I had that were bleached started out dark orange, now they're light red.