Ancient Sunrise® Henna for Delicate Hair Dark Brunette Kit Sample
Please read these instructions fully before beginning.If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Ancient Sunrise® Customer Service:
Rarity Henna – The most finely-sifted henna powder. Great for relaxed, natural, and/or fragile hair and locs. Malluma Kristalovino – (Potassium Bitartrate) A mild powdered fruit acid that replaces fruit juice or other acidic liquids. Zekhara Indigo – The most finely-sifted indigo powder. Great for relaxed, natural, and/or fragile hair. Fruit Acid – A powder that is acidic enough to dye-release henna. Rainwash – An all-natural product from Ancient Sunrise® that gently removes mineral build-up. Clarifying Shampoo – A chelating shampoo that removes mineral build-up from the hair.
What to Expect:
This sample kit contains enough to conduct a strand test on hair collected from a hairbrush, or a 1-inch section of hair onthe head. The color of the hair after the application may be brighter and lighter than expected. This will darken and settleover the course of 5 to 7 days.
1) Pour 3g packet of Rarity Henna (premixed with Malluma Kristalovino) into any bowl. 2) Slowly stir in room temperature distilled water until the paste slowly drips off of your mixing utensil. 3) Cover bowl with plastic wrap and leave at room temperature (68-72°F or 20-22°C) for 8 to 12 hours. 4) Clean hair section immediately prior to application. Treat hair with Rainwash, then a detergent shampoo (or use aclarifying shampoo instead of Rainwash and a detergent shampoo). Avoid conditioner and other hair products. After dye-releasing for 8-12 hours... 5) Pour two 3g packets of Zekhara Indigo into any bowl 6) Slowly stir in room temperature or lukewarm distilled water until the paste slowly drips off of your mixing utensil. 7) Combine henna and indigo pastes and mix thoroughly. 8) Immediately apply paste thickly to hair. 9) Cover hair with plastic wrap and leave on for three hours.If using hair collected from a hair brush, place hair in plastic wrap in a warm area, such as a pocket, in front of aheater, or a hot car to simulate body heat. 10) Soak and swish hair in warm water to loosen paste. 11) Shampoo and condition.